Forestry Services
Grove Tree & Hedgerow Services provides a complete contracting service, tailored to the owner’s requirements.
Tree Planting
Tree Re-spacing
Pesticide/Herbicide Spraying
Ride management
All Aspects Of Chainsaw Work such as Thinning and Felling.
Timber Extraction
Hand Weeding
Fencing and Fence Clearance
Path & Pedestrian bridge Building
Motor Manual Clear Fell
Site Clearance
Habitat Maintenance
Give us a call and we can visit your wood or forest to have a look at creating a management plan or to look at implementation if you already have one...
Here at Grove Tree Services we can take care of all your small and medium scale planting applications in forestry.
We have our own suppliers so can provide you with plants as well or if you already have a supplier we can liaise with them to organise deliveries etc.
We can plant 500-10,000 in a straight planting application or we can discuss rates with yourselves for replacing losses (beat-up) with larger plants.
Transport of materials and plants from delivery site to desired coupe can be handled by us, so you can be sure that your needs are in good hands...
Here at Grove we spend much of our spring and summer Spraying bramble in young stands. We are qualified and efficient at spraying any pesticide or herbicide with Knapsack sprayers (NPTC Qualified).
Call us to discuss rates and availability...
Ride management
The Grove Tree Services team can manage your rides annually or we can reclaim lost territory and then keep in management. We can motor-manually cut back rides as well as carry out the flail work where required if sensibly local.
Call us for more information or a quote...
Over-crowded regeneration tends to stagnate. The problem is aggravated in species that have little self-pruning ability. Spacing is a thinning (of natural regeneration), in which all trees other than those selected for retention at fixed intervals are cut.
Spacing can be used to obtain any of a wide range of forest management objectives, but it is especially undertaken to reduce density and control stocking in young stands and prevent stagnation, and to shorten the rotation, i.e., to speed the production of trees of a given size. Volume growth of individual trees and the merchantable growth of stands are increased.
Give us a call to discuss your re-spacing needs and how this could help you achieve more productivity from your land...
Chainsaw & Operator Hire
If you are felling a wood outside your local area and need only chainsaw or winch operators, we can provide you with up to 3 operators with saws to fell trees to machines or to winch trees to make them machine accessible.
We are available up to 30 miles from Ludlow regularly, further afield can be discussed.
Our team are qualified to CS32 with Forestry Plus First Aid. In addition our team are qualified and conversant with high-lead and skyline systems (NPTC Qualified) so we can come and operate your equipment.
Call us for more info on rates and availability...