Tree Surgery covers many varied practices, this area of the website gives a brief explanation of each of the services we provide:
Grove can provide a free tree inspection to identify the condition of the tree and identify possible work required and visible constraints.
We can also provide a free estimate or written quotation for tree work should you require.
Please browse the area for the service you may require and get in touch...
Arboriculture and Tree Felling Services
Tree Felling
Ocassionaly a tree will need to be removed completely, this can be for a number of reasons. In the interests of conservation a diseased tree may have to be removed to ensure neighbouring trees do not also become infected.
Other reasons to fell a tree will include safety (to people and property) i.e if a tree is in a state of decay or in a weakend condition, or if the tree is in an unsuitable area affecting planning applications and construction projects.
Felling a large tree in a restricted area will normally require the tree to be climbed and dismantled in sections.
Other times when space, safety and the tree's form and allows, a tree may be felled in the traditional forestry sense of the term, by bringing the tree to ground using practiced methods to ensure a safe, controlled and calculated fell.

Pollarding is a woodland management method, but has in recent years found its way into the practice of arboriculture.
The process involves the removal of all branches and most limbs resulting in the remainder of only the trunk and occasionally a framework of the major limbs.
A tree that is pollarded is known as a pollard.
A tree which has not been pollarded is called a maiden tree; which also refers to the fact that pollarding is normally first undertaken when a tree is quite young.
After a tree has been pollarded the tree is given some time to re grow, after which the process may be repeated.
Limb Removal
Sometimes it is necessary to remove certain branches of a tree's crown without fully reducing, thinning or lifting the crown.
For example, if a large branch or number of branches have travelled over a boundary, they may have to be removed.
This process generally involves removing as little live growth as possible to ensure the health and stability of the tree.

Crown Lifting
This is the removal of selected branches and limbs from the lower part of the tree's crown, which raises the crowns overall height.
Depending on the location of the tree, this process is generally performed to ensure vehicles and people can pass safely underneath avoiding accidents and injury.
Benefits of crown lifting
More space under the tree,
Provides more light,
Allows a view,
Maintains health of tree.
Formative Pruning
We take control of your tree at early stages of development, to help to shape the tree as it grows into maturity.
This means you don't need to prune heavily in future. Pruning early in the tree's life also helps to prolong its life expectancy.
Formative pruning affects the spacing, orientation, shape and size of branches as the tree matures.
Trees do not heal the way people do. When a tree is wounded, it must grow over the wound. This means, the wound is contained within the tree forever. Small cuts do less damage to the tree than large cuts.
That is why it is far better to prune trees when they are young. Waiting until a tree is mature to prune it will result in large cuts that the tree cannot easily close. However, give your tree a couple of years to take root and establish itself first.
Be sure to employ a qualified tree surgeon, poor pruning will cause damage that will last for the tree's life.

Dead wooding
As a tree grows it is natural for some branches to die back.
Branches that do not produce enough carbohydrates from photosynthesis to sustain themselves die and are eventually shed.
However for safety reasons it is advisable to have your tree regularly inspected and cleared of any deadwood.

Fallen Trees
When a tree falls down it is usually due to the tree's age, health, or the result of some exceptionally bad stormy weather.
Normally it is a combination of all three. Should you have a fallen tree that requires removal we will come to inspect the tree and if possible begin working to remove it for you as soon as we can.
Depending on the size and location of the fallen tree safety must be the immediate consideration, and we will always try to treat these cases as a priority.

Crown Reductions
This process involves reducing the size of the tree's overall canopy. This is achieved by pruning the branches evenly throughout the crown.
During this process dangerous deadwood and crossing branches are removed or pruned to minimize the possibility of pathogens and disease infecting the tree.
We can work to detailed specifications, such as reducing the tree by a certain percentage - for example 30%; taking no more than so many centimetres off the overall tree - such as 50cm. Or working to reduce the tree to a specific height and radius - for example; 8 meters height and a radius of 5 meters.
In mature and veteran trees, we aim to remove no more than 30% of the foliage to ensure the tree stays healthy and keeps a natural look
Benefits of crown reduction
Enhances aesthetic value of the tree.
Prevents later damage,
Corrects unbalanced weight issues,
Ensures healthy re-growth,
Reduces vigorous growth.

Crown Thinning
Crown Thinning involves the selective removal of inner branches evenly throughout the tree's crown.
This is an effective method of allowing light to travel through the crown and allows air to circulate more effectively throughout the canopy without altering the tree's natural shape.
As with Crown Reduction, all dangerous dead wood and crossing branches are removed during this operation.
Benefits of thinning
Improves health of remaining branches
Protects the main branches from damage
Reduces weight of the crown
Removes potentially dangerous branches (prevention is better than cure).
Maintains and generally improves on the aesthetic value of the tree.
Tree Inspections and Reports
Tree Inspections
On callout Grove will provide a free verbal tree inspection which will highlight the health and condition of the tree and work which may be required or beneficial to the tree, if you are unsure about the work you need.
During the tree inspection ecological and wildlife factors will also be taken into consideration in order to give the most balanced view of what work can or should be carried out.
Tree Report
If you wish, following the verbal tree inspection, Grove can provide a written tree report carried out by qualified persons. This will detail the points identified during the tree inspection and whether or not there are any tree hazards.
This will help you manage your trees as well as give you valuable information as to the age, health, condition and type of tree you have..