Garden Services
From private individuals to the local authorities, we can provide you with an outstanding area you never thought could happen. We can give the satisfaction you require to improve any landscape, with our expert team on board to construct any masterpiece we guarantee you will be lost for words with the outcome we deliver.
No project is too big or small, look at the services we can offer for your garden on this page and get in contact.
With any of these services our team can make the impossible, possible to make that dream landscape come true. With all the space you have, we can create the services you require at the cost you can afford.

Garden Construction
Having a great looking garden like you see on TV is most homeowners’ dream. You need a garden that not only looks great but is enjoyed by the whole family, for years to come.
We can do everything your garden needs to look great – from preparing the ground, to laying the hard materials, and creating your dream garden. Grove Tree & Hedgerow Services are the professional service you need to turn your ideas into reality. (If you do not have ideas we can help you with this as well...)
With a passion for this line of work, and a keen eye for detail that permeates into everything we do – from the groundwork preparation, to the completion of the job – you can be sure of a quality job well done that will last for years to come.
You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for a garden landscaping service provider who not only knows the subtle differences between a good job and an exceptional job, but who also wants you, the client, to know what those differences are.
A picture speaks a thousand words where quality garden landscaping is concerned, so please browse through the various portfolios of existing work we’ve completed. And don’t just take our word for it; have a look through some of our reviews on google and Facebook.
I’d love to speak with you about how we can make your dream garden come true, so get in touch today.
Garden landscaping services that we can provide are:
Garden fencing
Garden walls
Animal fencing
Artificial lawns
Custom built log shelters
Gravel driveways
Rockery creation
Vegetable patches
Garden creation from design
Gateways & Entrances
Retaining walls & Gabion Baskets

Hedgerow Management
This area of the website ilustrates the services Grove can provide for hedgerows.
Grove can provide a free hedgerow inspection to identify the condition of the hedge, identify possible work required and visible constraints (hedge-laying service only).
We can also provide a free estimate or written quotation for hedge cutting or laying should you require.
These pages also give a brief description of hedgerow management and reasons for this.
Please browse this area to see what we offer and get in touch...
Hedge Cutting
The more often you trim your hedge, the easier the task becomes.
Species such as privet and bush honeysuckle will need trimming every month or so during the growing season to stay looking smart.
Whilst tree species such as beech, hornbeam, field maple, holly and yew may only need trimming once a year depending on the position and growing habit of the hedge.
Hedges of the same species can grow at vastly different rates depending on numerous factors such as position, soil type and climate, so if your hedge produces masses of growth, it will need trimming more often, it's that simple.
If you want your beech and hornbeam hedges to retain their dead leaves through the winter, give the hedge a trim in late summer. Conifer species will sometimes require two cuts during the year, once in the spring and then again at the end of the summer; again it depends on how vigorous your particular hedge is.

Hedge Laying
Laying hedges is just one of the techniques in managing hedgerows. Other techniques include "Trimming" and "Coppicing" (Cutting off at ground level to encourage the hedge to regenerate). Left unmanaged a hedgerow will continue to grow upwards and outwards and will eventually become a line of trees.
Where farmers keep cattle or sheep a good hedge is essential, for although barbed wire fences can easily be erected they do not provide shelter like a hedge.
Hedges are also very important for our wildlife and for their scenic value. A well-managed hedgerow is thick and bushy, an impenetrable barrier to sheep and cattle and a haven for wildlife.
Farms with large animals, e.g. cattle and horses need hedges able to withstand the weight of the animal pushing against them, styles such as the Sussex Bullock and Midland Bullock were developed for this purpose.
Although hedge laying is more commonly used on Farms and in more rural situations, it is a very attractive method of maintaining a garden hedgerow and can be an effective barrier for pets.
Predominantly Grove uses the Midland bullock style due to the geographical location.

Tree Planting Service
Grove Tree Services believe that we should plant more trees than we cut down on an annual basis, and therefore we offer a comprehensive tree and hedgerow planting service to our customers.
With in depth knowledge of all widely used ornamental and forestry trees as well as their aftercare requirements, you can be confident your planting needs are in good, reliable hands.
We undertake contracts of greatly varying size, ranging from one tree up to ten thousand (forestry sites). Grove can carry out the entire process from ground preparation (if required) to aftercare of the tree(s) once they have been planted.
Similarly we can plant hedgerows for domestic, commercial or agricultural purposes depending on your specific requirements, as well as providing ground preparation and aftercare.
Grove Tree Services can plant trees for amenity, ornamental and habitat value, in addition Grove can also plant for agricultural or forestry applications if needed.
Please look through the images below at some of our previous work and get in touch with us...